GhostThoughts is my personal space to blog about technology, website tools, etc. If you are a person trying to learn how to be a software developer, things can be a bit daunting as you begin to explore the options. The first important question to ask is do you really want to code, or would you be happy using a CMS (Content Management System) like Wordpress or the GoDaddy Website builder.
If you do want to code from scratch there are probably alot of questions on your mind:
At GhostThoughts I share my mistakes and triumphs, my trials and errors along the way. I have been on this journey for a number of years now while also working 60+ hours regularly, and it all comes down to effort and sticktuitiveness. Whichever path you decide on, or a hybrid of both, constant exposure to new ideas is key.
Enki is a mobile App that allows you to do daily "workouts" on different coding languages. The best part is it reminds and rewards you for doing a short workout each day. I am really liking the app and find the short daily exercises a great way to brush up.
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Do yourself a favor and read up on GitHub Pages where you can basically store static web content YOU control for free as long as you are open source and don't mind people seeing your repo. Setup was easy and since you can use javascript, my learning project indy games on the GuiGhost Games page are hosted there.
Aspiring developers looking for easy hosting - checkout GitHub Pages. If you own your own domain, you can also use that while hosting the content there.
Read more on GhostThoughts
Do yourself a favor and read up on GitHub Pages where you can basically store static web content YOU control for free as long as you are open source and don't mind people seeing your repo. Setup was easy and since you can use javascript, my learning project indy games on the GuiGhost Games page are hosted there.
Aspiring developers looking for easy hosting - checkout GitHub Pages. If you own your own domain, you can also use that while hosting the content there.
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